Blenkinsop Valley and Gordon Head 1951
This picture shows the Blenkinsop Valley and Gordon Head in 1951. Note that Gordon Head is almost all farmland. Madrona Farm is located on the lower slopes of Mt Doug. The Farm was purchased in 1951 by Ruth and Lawrence Chambers. At that time the upper fields were still forested. Between 1951 and 1955 Lawrence and his sons cleared the land for farming.

A Brief History
Ruth and Lawrence Chambers purchased Madrona Farm in 1951. Over the years the Farm went through three phases: cows, vegetables and hay. Lawrence was the resident farmer and a jack-of-all-trades; he was well known for helping his neighbors. He helped construct many of the buildings in the area, including the old lower Borden Mercantile building (now Bottle Depot) and Blenkinsop Valley barns.
Lawrence had a vegetable stand in almost the same location as the one David and Nathalie operate today. H...