Barn Restoration
This year our good friend and well noted environmental/conservation activist, Ingmar Lee, used his amazing craftmanship in the restoration of our barn. It is once again beautiful; if you love barns, sign up for the next farm tour. It's worth the trip.
Ecological Restoration
In 2006 we began an ecological restoration project. We planted a corridor of 450 native trees through the middle of the farm to increase biological diversity.
See Nathalie's Paper in the History Section
Basket Launch
In 2007 we eliminated the use of plastic bags at the vegetable stand by providing baskets for customers. Please see the article in the "Media" section. Bags for greens are biodegradable.
Current and On-going Projects.
We are always engaged in different projects at Madrona Farm; many of them are on-going.
In 2003 we began an ecological restoration project. This involved planting a corridor of 450 trees through the middle of the farm with the intention of increasing biological diversity. For more information Read Nathalie's Paper
Invasive Species Management
Invasive species management is an on-going project at Madrona Farm.
The species involved are:
Broom, Ivy, Daphne, Himalyan Blackberry (in some areas), garlic mustard greens and bullfrogs. These species threaten biological diversity therefore their removal is essential to survival of native species.
We hosted a community lecture by Dr. Purnima Govindarajula on invasive bullfrogs and their management.
Thanks to Nathalie D. from Saanich Parks and her troop of volunteers for removing some garlic mustard in May 2008.